Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Scott Dixon

The following is a note from someone who visited our project. I will tell you his story after you read the note. Then I think you should go back and read it again.

"Hey Everyone!
I really wanted the chance to say goodbye to all of you, but unfortunately that would have led to me being placed in a cage against my wishes. You gotta do what you gotta do right?

I don't think I can ever express how much ya'lls kindness impacted me in a letter, so I'm not going to try and risk bumbling it up. Thank you thank you thank you. I will remember this for the rest of my life with ease. I plan on being in Vermont for a long time, if anyone finds themselves in the area I would like nothing better than to let you rest in my space for as long as needed.
Thank you again.

{contact info}

I fixed up the blue bike. it should work alright, I took a tube out of the seemingly homeless front tire to fix the blue bikes flat. I hope that was alright. Ride and drive safe!

Also this:
If my stay caused you any hardships or inconveniences I am very very sorry."

I will never forget Scott Dixon either. We were hanging out in front of my apartment building on Summer Project. Then this kid rode up to us on his bike and asked if he could stay and chat a little bit. We said sure although I was quite excited because it was a gospel conversation waiting to happen where I didn't have to initiate.

The really cool unexpected part was that he said he was actually biking from Vermont to Florida to visit his mom and surprise her. He's been biking for as long as we've been on project just finding some random places to stay the night. He was just gonna stop and talk, but as we talked a little bit, Jimmy and I, we got into discussion about what we believe. We asked him what he believed and he didn't really seem to have a definite answer. I asked him if we could show him what we believed. He said sure and seemed excited that people wanted to talk to him. We went through the knowing God personally booklet and at the end, long story short, he said he wasn't ready for a commitment like that until he thought about it more which I respected. He said he just wasn't there yet.

As we talked some more, he was sharing some stories about times he has had with people on the way down; he talked about how people would give him a place to stay the night or pay for a hotel or pay for his food and he said some of them were Christians like us and talked to him about God. Through all his stories, I could so clearly see the evidence of God working in him. It was no accident that God brought him to project to talk to us and God put us here and put him there to hear us talk about God, and we mentioned this to Scott and he thought it was a really cool thought and was open to it. He needed a place to stay the night and we aren't allowed to invite people into our rooms, so we suggested he either found a place in the grass along the beach or sleep in the grassy area in between our apartments which he did. He said the next morning that he wanted to make us french toast. I didn't know how he was gonna go about doing it, but both Jimmy and I had to work and when we went to work the next morning, he was still sleeping. We had told him the previous night though that over the next day which he was going to take the day off, that he could talk to anybody from Campus Crusade for Christ and that they'd be more than glad to talk with him and he ended up talking to like 9 or 10 people.

When I finally got back from work, I found him and talked to him some more. He said he talked to more people and that people here were really nice to him and he was really enjoying it. He said he was just going to stay the night one more night and then be on his way out in the morning after he got his back tire fixed because a spoke broke. After going up to my room for a bit, I felt God calling me to give him $20. I don't know why, but I couldn't resist the Holy Spirit moving. He had $150 to go the rest of the way to Florida and God just told me to give him some money.

So the next day I expected him to be gone when I got back home from work, but was surprised to see him still there. I then went up and talked to him. He said that when he got up in the morning and had breakfast somewhere that he had an overwhelming sense of fear that he would get hit by a car and die. I could see God working in his heart showing him that he isn't secure in what would happen after he dies. He felt he just couldn't bike today. He also said that at breakfast, a guy came up and paid for his meal randomly. He just took his bill and said he would take care of it. How awesome is it that God is just pouring out his love to him and grace!

The cool thing about the $20 I was planning on giving to him... I couldn't find him the previous night to actually give it to him. I then went up to some people who were in the grassy area where he was sleeping and asked them to give him the money because they were staying up later that night and I wanted it to be delivered. The awesome part is that because God brought me to give it to them to give to Scott, God worked in them to contribute more money and they pooled some together and presented it all to him. They told him that God loved him and that we didn't feel sorry for him but rather that God was calling us to give him the money. God works in such amazing ways.

Fast forwarding again back to today, I wanted to go out to eat at Denny's, so I found someone else, Chase, who had a van who could take me and then invited Scott to come along which he was glad to. It was cool just to hang out more and show God's love to him even more. After eating, I told the two guys that I would pay for their meals and then Scott just looked at me and tried to refuse and said that we've already done so much for him and he was so grateful but God wanted me to pay so I did and he was just constantly shocked at how different we were.

There were many more details that I'd love to share with you in person, but he never did come to Christ while he was here from what I heard, however, he talked to many project people and saw the love of God. Tonight, they sorta kicked him out. I would have liked him to be able to stay for one more night, but God had other plans. We've done what we could. We now have his contact information and he wrote everyone a letter which you read at the beginning of this post and want you to read again now that you know the back story to it. He said he will never forget this and the love that we showed to him and that is what this Summer Project is really all about.

Praise God!

If you want more details, when I get the time, I'd love to talk to you about it, but time might not open up for a bit.


  1. Stumbled across your blog by means of Ryan's blog, and I gotta say that all is pretty awesome. I'll be praying for Scott.

  2. That's a really awesome story - perhaps I'll be able to hear more sometime. Thanks for sharing!
